jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

The Development process

José J. Vallenilla Gutierrez, Fell in love with golf as a teenager. After preparation at two universities and apprenticeships with four golf architects, he opened his own Design office in Caracas Venezuela in 1990 along with his twin brother; the Firm design all types of courses, from coursed used for professional tours to a number of short par 3 Pitch & Putts Golf courses; he also spent 10 years on the development of Pitch & Putt design bases for synthetic turf, be in the first to build one of this sites in the center of Madrid Spain.

The Development process

Optimism, enthusiasm, passion, joy. These emotions ignite creativity, fire desire, and drive the will to build. Financing provides the essentials fuel to convert imagination, ideas, and the will to succeed into manicured turf, pristine lakes, attractive buildings, and places for people to spent vacations, work and play. During the boon years of real state development in Spain, lenders and investors more willingly undertook the risk associated with innovation and creative alternatives in real state, such as golf oriented real state development. But the days of readily available financing for real state development are gone, and while hope springs eternal that economic conditions will improve, finding financial support for golf oriented development is very difficult at this time. Projects borne on pure optimism and on trial and error cannot eve hope to find a source of finance, as lenders and investors are very conservative about taking on risk during tight economics times. The allowable margin for error is virtually nonexistent. Instead, lenders and investors look for solid evidence of feasibility and plans that minimize risk and maximize return. We at TGP UE have a word for developers ¨ Before you get too far along in the initial stages of the development process for golf oriented project, get some sort of commitment or preconditioned commitment of financing before spending a lot of time, effort, and money, only to find out that development money is terrible difficult to come by ¨

The Eight stage model for development.

This methodical approach to a very complex process is based on objectives analysis and reasoned decision making on more than 20 Golf projects done by us. At first glance, it might seem to be technical, dry and devoid of emotional spark so critical to golf oriented projects. In actuality, it frees the creative spirit and fuels the drive, for it is far easier to be innovative and enthusiastic when risk has been minimized. And risk must be minimized to gain support from lenders and investors. A methodical approach allows the concentration of creative energy to focus on the task of solving specific problems, as the creative process is significantly compromised when left to cast about aimlessly without a clear objective. A methodical approach provides a defined structure for anticipating problems, clearly defining problems, and assessing solutions based on rational, quantifiable criteria. The eight stage model of development process is such an approach. It provides a foundation on which to build a methodical approach to manipulating information to solve complex problems associated with golf Development.
The development process is by no means a neat, straight line progression, particularly during the early stages when many ideas are being explore, analyzed for feasibility, and almost constantly adjust and readjusted. The developer must think ahead to remaining steps of the process and might have to reposition a project many times during its course. Decision making and renegotiation between the developers and other participants on the development team are almost never continuous. Golf development is a complex, interdisciplinary process. Every aspect of creating a built environment, including, ( But not only ) political, economic, physical, legal, and sociological, must be considered in the development process. Thus, a team approach is strongly recommended. One primary role of the developers is that of team leader, manager of the interactions between disciplines. Golf development adds another level of complexity to the process, as a numbers, of intricate interactions occur when real state development and golf courses are brought together and addition of a golf course increase risk. Golf oriented development requires greater attention and care to each aspect of the process and to their interactions. The selection of the development team can make or break a project

The eight-Stage model for Golf Oriented Real State Development

Not feasible
Not Feasible
Not Feasible
Feasible (Design Team must be brought in)
Cannot reach binding contracts
Can reach binding contracts

The development team

Developers came from a varied backgrounds and each brings his or her own expertise to a development venture. Unless the developers is unusually well versed and experienced in all aspects and disciplines of golf oriented development, the services of many experts, consultants and professionals are required to supplement the developer’s expertise. Generally, developers hire the expertise they lack, either putting the experts on the payroll or contracting with outside consultants. In some cases, developers seek joint ventures partners to provide needed expertise without a direct outlay of cash.
A Typical development team includes:
1 The Developers. (The Owner or a representative of the property)
2 The Design Team. (GOLF COURSE COMPANY)
3 The project Administration
4 Economic and market annalist
5 Finance team
6 Property management team or representative.
7 Public Sectors
8 Consumers and Users

Public regulatory agencies and consumers should also be considered integral parts of the development team. When a Golf oriented development is contemplated, the Golf course architect and the specialists in the architecture of the club house become necessary additions to the design team.

Roles of team members

1.- The Developer : Is the leader and manager of the development team, the primary decision maker, and lead promoter/ negotiator for the project. The developer employs or contracts the members of the design team. The developers’ singles most important function is leadership.

2.- The Design Team : It is crucial to bring in the design team as the # pick as early as possible in the process. The design team must work as a tightly coordinated unit itself and as part of the overall development team. Every member of the design team has potentially critical input for the project’s design and the design team must be responsive for that input. Because all golf oriented development involves relatively high risk. The design team receives input from other members of the development team, which might be used to guide the preparation of alternative concept plans. The design team prepares construction documents, construction drawings, specifications, and other constructions documents and supervises construction and administration until the project is completed. but the design team does far more than simply translating the developers vision to a physical form, it serves a critical role in minimizing political, economic, and market risk.

3,4, Project Administrations and economic and market annalist : Attorneys, accountants, economic and market analyst, project manager, construction manager, and other administrative assistance.

5 Finance team: Joint venture partners, investors, construction lenders, permanent lenders, mortgage brokers, surety companies, appraisers.

6 Property management team or representative: Property managers, the golf pro, the golf course superintendent, and others involved in managing the golf course.

7 Public Sector: Regulating government agencies, public policy makers, community leaders, concerned citizens and neighbors, the targeted market, and owners and tenants.

8 Consumers and users: Homebuyers, purchaser of property, tenants, concessionaries, the community, and others to whom the developer sells or leases the development’s assets. During earlier stages of the development process, the developers anticipate consumer’s needs and expectations through market studies. In some cases, the real state broker or developer’s sales representative acts as a liaison to communicate a user’s specific needs to the developer and design team.


The eight-Stage development process provides a technique for manipulating and processing vast amounts of information in making a built environment. But therein lies its limitations. It is a technique. It does not provide the basis for ideas or the inspiration to embark on a creative endeavor or to seek innovative solutions to a problem. Creativity and the desire to create are necessary ingredients in Golf development but they are not given standard technique or methodology. Golf development always begins with the inception of an idea – the first spark of the imagination in the mind of an individual, whether from intuition or methodical study. Once the idea is borne, the eight – Stage Development model is a useful means of processing and manipulating complex information to manage risk, determine the feasibility of the idea, guide the development of the idea, gain support for and market the idea, and ensures the successful implementation of this idea. The following will be to explore the details of this model and the basic knowledge essential to golf oriented development. While none of this information guarantees a good idea to begin with or a successful project in the end, it does provides the basis needed to make the most of an idea.

¨ The best ideas results in products that serve the user well and add value to the community – something that most often distinguishes good development from bad ¨

TGP UE Senior Designers Peter Thompson & Laureano Vallenilla G 

TGP UE. Design Director José J. Vallenilla G.-

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Porque contratar a un Arquitecto Paisajista

Si usted está pensando en contratar a un arquitecto paisajista, en primer lugar recabe ideas sobre lo que está buscando. ¿Están pensando en crear un espacio para el entretenimiento? Un área de juego? Un huerto familiar? Aumentar el atractivo de su vivienda ? Pueden revisar y buscar ideas en revistas, sitios web, catálogos o cualquier otra cosa que le de ideas y soluciones creativas para dejar su jardín bello, hermoso y sustentable. También considere cuánto tiempo desea dedicar al mantenimiento. Tal vez el jardín sean su hobby, o si quiere un diseño con poco o ningún mantenimiento en absoluto, debido a las múltiples ocupaciones que le alejan de su jardín o simplemente cuidar, sesgar, regar y cuidar el jardín no es lo suyo.

Una vez que tenga las ideas claras, es importante hacer un presupuesto realista. En general, los paisajistas profesionales le podrían alcanzar hasta un 15 por ciento del valor de su hogar en comparación con otras casas en su misma calle, urba o comunidad. Si no está seguro de qué presupuesto tener, una regla de oro es comenzar con 5 a 10 por ciento del valor de su casa. Si bien la cifra puede parecer alta, considere esto: La investigación de nuestro estudio en España, UK, Italia y otras grandes ciudades de Europa muestran que los paisajes literalmente crecen en valor con el tiempo, mientras que las adiciones o remodelaciones caseras tradicionales comienzan a perder el valor al minuto que se asiente el polvo, o cuando reciben la Factura del agua con la del Jardinero de turno, son hechos concretos que se repiten, son parte de las costumbres de como, cuando y cuanto se gastan los Europeos en sus jardines y comunidades.

La idea de un paisajista sustentable se basa en los usos del agua y como reutilizarlos en su jardín o comunidad, recoger todas las aguas servidas del hogar y reutilizarlas en su jardín es una idea Rentable y sustentable en el tiempo. Lo primero que se debe hacer cuando se hace el presupuesto es ver la factura del agua, a partir de estos gastos pasaremos a ver el recorrido del agua de su casa, veremos, analizaremos y propondremos una reducción del 90% al 100% de los usos de los recursos hídricos de su casa, recogeremos todas las aguas que se tiran y las reacondicionaremos para el riego del paisajista seleccionado para su jardín.

Después de su presupuesto, es el momento de encontrar a un profesional.Le recomendamos seleccionar al que pueda llevar a cabo la idea de un Paisajista sustentable que se amolde al presupuesto de su elección.

Hable con varios arquitectos sobre sus objetivos y presupuesto. No dude en pedir referencias - en especial las referencias de tipos de proyectos que son similares a la suya. Cualquier profesional serio no dudará en compartir referencias, cuotas, o responder a otras preguntas relacionadas con sus servicios.

Si bien hay muchos arquitectos del paisaje, encontrar el profesional para usted en última instancia se reduce a un equilibrio adecuado de la capacidad de diseño, servicio profesional, rentable y nivel de confort personal.

Saludos Cordiales,

Los expertos del Jardín Sustentable.